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International Fitness Academy BLOG SERIES

How To Become A Winter Warrior

Everyone seems to have come to the conclusion that they are going to put on weight over winter. Is it the colder weather? The fact that it’s harder to get out of bed? The warm carbohydrate-rich food?

There are any number of excuses that you are going to hear from clients, workout buddies and from that little voice inside your head that says, “It’s ok to stay in bed!”

I, myself am guilty of that same excuse, annoyingly telling myself that I will put weight on when I visit my in-laws in Tasmania, (it’s totally my mother-in-law’s fault because being married to an Italian there is more pizza, pasta and breads in one meal than I’d usually have in a week) So I might as well accept it, right? Wrong.

Honestly, excising in winter is all about how you think about it. If you decide it’s not too cold to train, well then it’s not. Chuck on more clothes, wear a beanie, boil the kettle before your run so you can make a nice hot drink when you get back.

But probably the biggest nudge or clue I can give to people is that they have to commit for at least 5 weeks to some form of exercise, whether that be gym, CrossFit or F45, Group or one-on-one personal training, running, swimming or matter of fact any sport they enjoy. This will give you the chance of turning yourself into Winter Warrior and making exercise part of your daily routine, and not just something to attempt each summer so you can get the togs back on.



There are any number of 12-week challenges that companies are running around the country ,so by the time the challenge ends your going to be launching into summer quicker than a cross fitter gets injured!

This is a great option for those involved in the same day-to-day routine at the gym – the key to evolving in anything is to step outside your comfort zone and try something new.

If you’re lucky enough to live in Queensland, then winter doesn’t really exist apart from a couple of weeks so saying it’s too cold isn’t really an excuse. I was based in Sydney last year and I don’t think my jacket came off, in fact I still slept in tracksuit pants … yes I’m a soft, I know, but I still managed to train.

So, what’s your excuse?








1.       Commit to 5 weeks and make sure you stick to your word and do it. This will give you a chance to make it part of your routine.

2.       Get clothes to combat the climate – specific winter gear will make an amazing difference. Check out Fitup.com.au – their gear is amazing and you’ll look the goods.

3.       Enter a 12 week challenge – it might not be your thing but it will make you commit and before you know it winter will be long gone.

4.       Find a workout buddy – studies show that having a workout partner will give you a greater chance of success.

5.       Approach IFA for a free program. Any number of students are completing their Personal Training courses and just chomping at the bit to offer programs and advice, and you’ll find it wont cost you a thing.

6.       Punish yourself if you miss a session- no chocolate!

7.       Incorporate exercise into your work hours – Sitting at a desk is hard, each hour set a timer and drop and do push-ups, lunges, squats, anything that gets you moving through out the day, take the stairs walk instead of drive if it’s only 5-10 mins away your collegues might look at you funny but you’ll be pleasantly surprised from the results that this will bring.

8.       Try something new. The best thing about the Fitness Industry is that it is always evolving.

9.       Set a Goal and reward yourself when you achieve it. This could be something as simple as an outfit, a night out at a new restaurant or those new Nike running shoes, you’ll find if you have a goal and really want to achieve it, seeing the results and working for it will prove to be worth it once you get to the end.

10.   Ask a friend or family member to make you accountable for what you are trying to achieve – you might hate them some days and love them others but having someone to support you and make you get moving will help.


April 15


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