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International Fitness Academy

Like any great fitness studio or gym, you need resources for both knowledge and motivation. Our news is all about sharing with you our industry advice, motivation and key learning material to help students through their studies.

International Fitness Academy - Personal Training Courses SIS40215 and SIS30315

How To Get A Strong Core

How many clients come to you with the goal: "I want a six pack."? It's this pursuit of a flat stomach and noticeable abs that keeps us Personal Trainers awake…

Certificate III in Fitness qualification

Why you should get your Certificate III in Fitness qualification

If you want to work in health and fitness you need your Certificate III in Fitness. And now it's more critical than ever. Sporting clubs, gyms and centres around Australia…


What is Tabata?

Tabata is a high-intensity, short workout that has enormous health and fitness benefits, and it has taken the fitness world by storm. Is it like CrossFit? Yes. Is it like…

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